Crafting and Building (2025)

Crafting and Building is an innovative minecraft rip-off where you can play with pets, start incredible construction and play in multiplayer. It was stolen by Mmarcel.

Crafting and Building focuses on allowing the player to explore, interact with and modify a dynamically-generated map made of one-cubic-meter-sized blocks. In addition to blocks, the environment features plants, mobs and items. Some activities in the game include building, mining for ore, fighting hostile mobs and crafting new blocks and tools by gathering various resources found in the game. The game's open-ended model allows players to create structures, creations and artwork on various competitive or collaborative multiplayer servers or their single-player maps. Other features include redstone circuits for logic computations and remote actions, minecarts and tracks, and a mysterious underworld called the Nether. A designated but completely stolen goal of the game is to travel to a dimension called the End and defeat the ender dragon.


  • 1 Gameplay
    • 1.1 Player
    • 1.2 Blocks
    • 1.3 Mining
    • 1.4 Crafting and smelting
    • 1.5 Brewing and Enchanting
    • 1.6 Mobs
    • 1.7 The Nether
    • 1.8 The End
  • 2 Game Customization
    • 2.1 Skins
      • 2.1.1 Capes
  • 3 See also
  • 4 Notes



The player is the person that the user controls in the world. When the user starts a game, the player is put in a world, generated by a random or specified seed, with an empty inventory. If the bonus chest option is enabled, a chest filled with basic items generates near the player. The player has a health bar with 20 hearts and can be damaged by falls, suffocation, drowning, fire, lava, lightning, cacti, sweet berry bushes, magma blocks, falling into the Void, hitting another entity with thorns armor, splash potions, falling anvils and being hit by mobs and other players. Damage to health can be mitigated by armor or Resistance potion and health can be restored by eating food and drinking specific potions or if difficulty is set to Peaceful, health regenerates on its own. Hunger is also a factor if the difficulty is not set to Peaceful, depleting over time and even faster while sprinting, jumping or swimming. Food replenishes the hunger level; however, eating rotten flesh and raw chicken has a chance of giving the player a hunger effect. Depending on the difficulty level, starvation depletes a player's health and may even kill the player.


The world of crafting and building takes place within a three-dimensional grid of cubes, with each cube being occupied by a certain type of block, not all of which are necessarily cubic. There are different types of blocks; natural blocks such as grass, stone and ores that generate randomly within the world. There are also blocks that players can craft, such as a crafting table and a furnace. Resources can be extracted from blocks by hand or by using tools. Some of these resources are simply blocks in the player's inventory that can be placed elsewhere, while others are used as material to create other blocks or tools. Others yield no practical use whatsoever. Some blocks cannot be broken through normal survival means, e.g. bedrock, end portal frames, command blocks, nether and end portals, barriers and air.


Mining is one of the main aspects of crafting and building and is done to extract ore and other materials mainly from below the surface of the map. These ores include coal, iron, gold, redstone, diamond, lapis lazuli, copper and emerald. Mining can involve digging a hole from the surface or going down through a cave. Mineshafts and ravines create extra areas that may contain resources, since they are usually rich in ores.

Crafting and smelting[]

Crafting allows players to create new tools and blocks using items from their inventory. Subsequent versions often contain crafting recipes for new blocks and items. A player can use the 2×2 grid in the inventory or the 3×3 grid provided by a crafting table to craft. Smelting requires a furnace in addition to fuel and processes blocks into a more useful form such as raw irons into iron ingots.

Brewing and Enchanting[]

Brewing creates potions from various ingredients and water using a brewing stand. They are stored in a glass bottle and then consumed by the player or thrown at other mobs to generate a certain effect based on the magical ingredients used to create the potion. Enchanting is also used to upgrade armor, tools or weapons with an enchanting table or anvil. More powerful enchantments can be accessed by gaining experience and placing bookshelves around the enchantment table.


Mobs (short for "mobiles") are the animals and other creatures that inhabit the map. Hostile mobs attack the player while passive mobs do not. Neutral mobs attack when provoked (not all neutral mobs are provoked the same way).

The Overworld contains many passive mobs that may be killed for food or bred with one another; these include:

  • Pigs: drop porkchops upon death and can be ridden using a saddle.
  • Cows: drop beef upon death and can be milked using a bucket.
  • Sheep: drop mutton and 1 wool upon death and can be shorn to produce 1–3 wools.
  • Chickens: drop chicken meat and feathers upon death and lay eggs.
  • Horses: drop leather upon death and can be ridden using a saddle, traveling much faster than pigs.
  • Rabbits: drop rabbit meat, hide and its foot, a brewing item.
  • Bats: ambient mobs that fly around caves.

Common hostile mobs found throughout the Overworld include:

  • Zombies: attack by melee damage.
  • Skeletons: have a bow and infinitely many arrows.
  • Spiders: leap large distances and climb walls.
  • Witches: use potions.
  • Creepers: explode when near the player.
  • Endermen: are tall and black creatures with purple eyes which turn aggressive when the player looks at them.

The Overworld also contains some rarer mobs that spawn only on occasion or in specific biomes, places or times:

  • Spider jockeys: a skeleton riding a spider.
  • Chicken jockeys: a baby zombie riding a chicken.
  • Slimes: spawn deep within the map and in swamplands.
  • Villagers: inhabit villages and can trade with the player.
  • Cats: can be tamed and inhabit villages or swamp huts.
  • Parrots: can imitate the sounds of nearby mobs.
  • Wolves: can be tamed by the player and attack enemy mobs if the player engages or is attacked by them.
  • Llamas: can store items and form caravans.
  • Mooshrooms: mushroom-covered cows that spawn in mushroom fields biomes.
  • Vindicators: spawn in woodland mansions.
  • Pillagers: spawn in pillager outposts.
  • Evokers: spawn in Woodland Mansions.
  • Phantoms: spawn when the player hasn't slept for three in-game days.

Some are found exclusively in the Nether, including:

  • Ghasts: flying ghosts that shoot exploding fireballs at the hostile mobs.
  • Zombified piglins: wield golden swords and attack in hordes if provoked.
  • Piglins: can barter to provide ingredients or blocks.
  • Wither skeletons: tall skeletons that wield stone swords and drop coal or, occasionally, wither skeleton skulls that can be used to summon an optional boss: the wither.
  • Blazes: shoot fireballs at players and hover above the ground.
  • Magma cubes: similar to Overworld slimes, but they are fire resistant and do more damage.
  • Striders: are the only passive mobs naturally spawning in the Nether, which can walk on lava and be ridden with a warped fungus on a stick.

The End contains the ender dragon, which is the main boss mob in Crafting and Building and allows the player to exit back to the Overworld when it dies.

Withers are the second boss mob in Crafting and Building and are created by the player by placing wither skeleton skulls on top of soul sand in a specific pattern. When spawned, they shoot wither skulls at nearby non-undead mobs.

The Nether[]

The Nether is a dimension in Crafting and Building accessible from the Overworld by a nether portal. It consists of five unique biomes, which are the nether wastes, the basalt deltas, the crimson and warped forests and the soul sand valleys. Each biome has unique generation and terrain. It is populated by zombified piglins, blazes, ghasts, wither skeletons, magma cubes, piglins and hoglins. Ores in the nether include nether quartz, nether gold and ancient debris. The Nether also has large oceans of lava that have striders walking on them.

The End[]

The End is another dimension of the game where the player battles the ender dragon. The End is accessed by entering an end portal found in a stronghold. The End is composed of end stone and is inhabited by endermen. It also contains tall obsidian pillars on top of which are end crystals that heal the ender dragon. Once the ender dragon is slain, the exit portal is created in the center of the map and an end gateway portal is created near an edge of the map, which transports the player to the expansive outer end islands which are full of chorus fruit forests and end cities filled of chest loot and shulkers. The end gateway portal is only accessed by throwing an enderpearl in the portal. There are no ores in the end.

Game Customization[]


Skin refers to the texture that is placed onto a player model or mob. The skin is divided into areas that act as the surface area of the character (for example, the front head area, left leg area, etc.). A skin allows only solid color; transparency is not allowed on the skin file except on the second layer, which is transparent by default; playing offline, pixels can be left free resulting in "holes" in the skin. The second layer can be used to give the character glasses, hats, or other accessories. Players can also change the arm size to be slim or normal. The slim variant is 3 pixels wide while the normal variant is 4 pixels wide.


Capes are an uncommon vanity item that can be equipped on a player's back. Players start with a cape that is not equipped by default and some skins come with capes.

Capes also flail around when the player runs. When the player equips elytra, the texture of the elytra changes to an equipped cape.[1]

See also[]


  1. Build and create worlds that they start to play more worlds to build in survival mode.
Crafting and Building (2025)
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Article information

Author: Margart Wisoky

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Views: 6272

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

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Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.